Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rubber Stamp Obsession

It's like a sickness, it starts kind of small then it grows stronger and more virulent and then you succumb to the virus, and let it take over for a while until it runs its course. Maybe an unpleasant analogy but when I get into something new craftywise I really GO FOR IT. So I have been carving away for weeks now, it is so much fun, I can't stop. Erasers make good little stamps and whaddyaknow? they have tons of them at the dollar store, where I proceeded to buy all the packages they had hanging up (no picture, lets just say I brought home over 100 erasers). Most of my supply comes from which is great place with great prices.

I got this new book (see above) that has some great patterns and ideas and is really inspiring. You should visit Geninne Zlatkis' blog at She is a very inspiring artist and avid rubber stamp carver.  Youtube has quite a few how-to videos on carving also. Some of my carvings are a little shakey and far from perfect, but I hope to improve. Another obsession.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh Dear, Woe Is Me

I am having computer problems right now and that is why I cannot post any pictures right now. I have a lot of things to share, especially my new obsession with carving rubber stamps.  Hopefully I will be operational by the weekend!!!
Have a great Halloween.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I've been doodling a lot lately and CARVING RUBBER STAMPS.
 More on that later. It is so much fun.....I can't stop.